Medicare Consultations

If there’s one thing you should know about Medicare Part D …
It’s that everything about a Part D plan changes. Every year. Almost Without fail.
Good Life pharmacists can help you!

From the perspective of your medication profile, we know you better than anyone.

Medicare Consultations Image

** When making your annual decision, you have to choose from MANY, sometimes dozens of plans, and there’s not always a clear answer about which one is best.

** To complicate your choice even more, the plans you are choosing from there is no best plan and there is no worst plan.

** The important thing is that you need a custom-fitted plan for your medications.. A plan that the fits your needs
Good Life Pharmacists will help you with an annual plan review to find a plan that saves you money.

Our pharmacy has a FREE program where we’ll do the PLAN research for you, and help you compare your Medicare D plan options.

**As a pharmacy, we can present you with reliable information so you can achieve these goals and help you find the best plan for you.

You use this reliable information to make the best decision about which plan can save you money.

Another benefit of working with us is that we are a neutral party.

OUR PRIMARY INTEREST IS what’s best for you and the plan that can help you best afford your medications.

The BEST benefit to us is that we get a patient who is happy with their insurance, and who can take their medications as prescribed.

So we also win by helping you with this decision.

The only thing you have to do is make an appointment for a plan review, which usually lasts about 15 minutes.

These appointments can be scheduled FROM October 15 TO DEC 7.